A publisher of the best fiction by great authors worldwide
Join a team of forward-thinking, hard-working, fellow book lovers.
Please provide as much information as possible using the form opposite, and if we like your work we will get in touch.
We are a small, London-based team of dedicated professionals committed to getting high quality ebooks and books by new authors out into the marketplace and high in the rankings, offering very competitive royalties for authors, and a simple, straightforward service by experienced staff.
We produce books to the highest standard and our marketing gets them into the right readers’ hands. We manage everything from the editing process to promotions, social media publicity and building an audience for authors.
Authors receive royalties directly on sales revenue and will never be asked for money to publish their work.
Using our contacts we get your book out there high in the bestseller rankings and significant revenue in your bank.
Currently we are predominantly interested in crime fiction, thrillers and mysteries. We will consider all proposals carefully.
We are always pleased to receive well-written and engaging fiction with a strong plot, good characterisation and a convincing setting.
We are particularly interested in new authors with an eye to the market, who write with their prospective audience in mind.
We publish first novels but because we aim to develop a long term partnership with authors, those having at least two or three books, written or planned, will be especially welcomed.
Hence we are only really looking for serious authors for whom writing is more than a hobby or past-time.
Although we are predominantly looking for new material, we do take on work that has been previously published elsewhere.
We look for novels with a minimum word count of 45,000.
If we think your book could be for us, we will be in contact with you to request the manuscript.
We don’t always request manuscripts, but we always try to give some constructive feedback on the books we look at.
We do try to reply to everyone, even if it is a polite rejection. If you have not heard from us within one month of submission, please contact us by email.
N.B. Please avoid using Apple based email addresses such as @icloud or @me as these can block the gmail address we use for submissions correspondence.
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