

Shane Spyre

Editions:Kindle - First digital edition: £1.99
Pages: 382
Paperback - First paperback edition: £8.99
ISBN: 978-1804621783
Size: 5x8 in
Pages: 316

The unputdownable debut psychological thriller about a seemingly perfect crime

Sarah has four identical daughters. Rose, Daisy, Violet, and Poppy wear coloured ribbons to tell them apart.

Unless, of course – girls will be girls – they have a bit of fun by swapping them. Without their ribbons, not even their own mother knows who is who.

One day, when the girls are four years old, Sarah is threatened. A jealous, childless woman wants to take Daisy. Her mother has no choice but to give her up.

Years pass and she is almost forgotten. Until the kids are accused of shoplifting and one of them identifies as Daisy.
It won’t be the only crime. Soon it escalates to murder. But which child is the killer?

WHICH CHILD is the debut psychological thriller novel by Australian author Shane Spyre.

If you like mysteries that keep you guessing, you’ll love this creepy, unsettling novel full of mind-blowing twists, brought to you by the publisher of bestselling thriller writers Vanessa Garbin and Anna Willett.