

box set deals

Ignore the kids and grandkids this summer holiday and immerse yourself in a gripping box set of crime fiction, each set specially priced at just 99p or 99cents for a short time.

Go on… discover a new author with a Kindle box set and get stuck in to a great series box set!


A highly original murder mystery series set in the years after the First World War in the fictional northern seaside town of Birtleby, Yorkshire.

Follow Inspector Blades as he investigates crime during the tragic and yet sometimes hopeful times of Great Britain in the 1920s.

These gripping murder mysteries follow the sensitive detective who wants to stick to the rules, but has the shadow of not having served during the war hanging over him.

He encounters the human consequences of war, and the desperate ends some will go to.

With a real flavour of the time, clever plots and interesting characters, this series of detective whodunnits is for you!

On the sunniest part of Vancouver Island, Victoria is an uncut diamond. Surrounded by snow-capped mountains, the Pacific Ocean laps on its rugged shoreline. For Detective William Gibson it is the perfect spot to be stationed. There are endless nooks and crannies to explore in his kayak, offering a chance to grab a peaceful moment away from serious crime.

To the outside world Gibson is a formidable figure, silent and stealthy like the dark-tinted windowed truck he drives. You wouldn’t want to get in his bad books. But behind those gun-metal eyes, no one would suspect the softness of his heart for his family and friends.

Occasionally Gibson strays from an honest path, he does regret his lapses. And although he blames the stresses of the job, in truth he knows he needs to accept, to learn and to grow. Yet each time he tries harder to do the right thing, another murder swallows him up.

Two very different cops – one a stickler for procedure, the other a maverick – but the same cases. London provides no shortage of crimes for these murder squad detectives. Can they work together or will their different personalities clash? Can Nash keep Moretti on the straight and narrow, and can Moretti bring out Nash’s human side lest she alienate her team?

The Book Folks

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